João Nogueira – João Nogueira (1972)

This share is dedicated to J Thyme ( in appreciation for all the great music he has introduced me to over the last few years. Not sure if you have this one already my friend, but if not I know you will love it!

João Nogueira
Odeon 1972
SMOFB 3749
Reissue 2008 EMI

1 – Morrendo verso em verso (João Nogueira)
2 – Maria Sambamba (Casquinha)
3 – Beto Navalha (João Nogueira)
4 – Mãe solteira (Wilson Batista – Jorge de Castro)
5 – Alô Madureira (João Nogueira)
6 – 7º Dia (Garça)
7 – Heróis da Liberdade (Silas de Oliveira – Mano Décio da Viola – M. Ferreira)
8 – Mariana da Gente (João Nogueira)
9 – Prum samba (Egberto Gismonti)
10 – Meu caminho (João Nogueira)
11 – Das 200 para lá (João Nogueira)
12 – Blá Blá Blá (João Nogueira) participação: Gisa Nogueira

Production by Milton Miranda and Maestro Gaya
Assistant Production – Adelzon Alves
Orchestral Arrangements – Maestro Gaya
Technical Director – Z.J.Merky
Recording Technicians: Nivaldo Duarte, Zilman Aráujo, and Toninho
Lab Technician – Willy Paiva Moreira
Remixing – Jorge Teixeira

Lay-out – Joel Cocchiararo
Photo – Calbert
Quote from 2008 reissue back cover:
“Debut album the renowned sambista, who had come to fame as the author of “Das 200 para lá”, recorded by Eliana Pittman. Here the repetoire is made up of classics by Wilson Matista and Silas de Oliveira, and songs that would come to be recorded later by Clara Nunes, Martinho da Vila and other major names of samba. The biggest curiosity of this album is on account of a samba by Egberto Gismonti, “Prum Samba.”
–Thiago Marques Luiz


I heard this album after his 2nd (E lá vou eu) and 3rd records (Vem que tem). I didn’t think those could be outdone, but good God is this album incredible from start to finish! I am particularly in love with the production, and the stereo Fender Rhodes electric piano and Hammond organ tones that adds an extra layer to an already-rich sonic stew. The arrangements managed to mix all this, along with occasional electric guitar, flute, and of course lots of percussion, in one of the best mixes I’ve ever heard on a samba album. This is samba of the first quality (primera qualidade!!). And the blurb from Thiago Marques Luiz is correct in pointing out the oddity of having a samba from Egberto Gismonti, who is known for his long-form jazz / fusion / classical compositions. There isn’t a bad song on this album. I should have more to say about this album — As J Thyme has observed, a person can spend months and months diving into the subtleties of some records, and Nogueira’s early stuff is a prime example. Textured, layered, rich and creamy samba.

password: vibes

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  1. Thank you so much for the shout out. I welcome this debut into my collection with gratitude. Thank you for honoring my process of listening.
    It is an art. I can see that you have the patience to stay with a recording until it unfolds. That can take quite a few listens. My deepest respect & thank you for this post.

  2. Also, the LP that really made me a fan of this artist is his "Clube Do Samba" from 1979 on Polydor. Amazing!

  3. A big clue as to what we can expect from the recording is, for starters, the number of people involved in just the production of the recording session.
    Here we have 8 people involved on the recording side of things. Very impressive production level & you can hear all their fidelity. There's a clarity to the song-writing & production of Música Popular Brasileira. Like short films or a good short story or even better, a fine wine which ages better & better with time.

  4. If I've learned one thing by listening to the music of Brasil, it's that there is a difference between LOUDNESS & fidelity. Fidelity comes from microphone placement & quality (most likely tube mics) & skilled hands at the mixing deck, saturating the fuck out of that glorious, warm TAPE & compressing the whole thing so that it sounds as flawless at 1 or 10 volume. Música Popular Brasileira excels not just at composers & performers, but at exceedingly high production levels as well. This music deserves a few people out there to popularize this form. It really deserves it!

  5. Thanks for the chance to hear this.

  6. Pura beleza, pura beleza meus Irmãos. Ty

  7. Just put it on and immediately after the first few tracks one has to smile …

  8. thanks for sharing.

  9. Looking forward to this…thanks for putting the effort in to re-post!!!

  10. I enjoyed this tremendously on the first listen and I'm betting it will only get better. Great songs, great arrangements, a warm and impressive vocalist and as others have expounded, a very nice recording. They even kept the cuica at a level that didn't really bother me (I'm not a fan of the cuica). Overall, a fantastic record that I'm very happy to be exposed to. Thank you Flabbergast for re-posting this Grade A Premium Licorice Pizza!

  11. thank you so much! your work is amazing!

  12. Another one I had missed. Thank you 🙂

  13. qual é a senha ?

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