África Brasil1976 Phonogram (6349 187)
2009 Reissue: Salve, Jorge! Boxset
1 Ponta de lança africano (Umbabarauma)
2 Hermes Trismegisto escreveu
3 O filósofo
4 Meus filhos, meu tesouro
5 O plebeu
6 Taj Mahal
7 Xica da Silva
8 A história de Jorge
9 Camisa 10 da Gávea
10 Cavaleiro do cavalo imaculado
11 África Brasil (Zumbi)
People keep asking me when this one is coming, and since it is my birthday today, I feel like giving back to the world. I could ramble on and on about how incredible this album is, or I could let it’s mysterious majestic funk speak for itself. The culmination of the preceding two albums’ forays into hermetic mysticism, alchemy, umbanda, and futebol, this album is a magnum opus and also something of a swan song — Jorge Ben would never again come anywhere close to making an album this good! I was astonished to learn last year that it has been out of print for a while. I have the old ‘Samba & Soul’ series pressing, and shared it once around the corner. I am fairly certain it has been here before too. This album is essential, essential, essential listening! And on this record, we get full musician credits:
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Hello the link for the 320 kbs em pee three is broken buddy.
Link quebrado para 320 kbs em pee three … mesmo assim obrigado pelo acervo !!! salvou a vida !
Happy Birthday. Smoke one for me.
Happy Birthday!
Certainly an adequate post to savour the occasion ;-))
The cuica player is my idol! Simply incredible…
If someone takes the time and effort to post an album in FLAC & 320 and adds the comment "This album is essential, essential, essential listening!" then I am going to sit up,take notice and hit download..must admit I have never come across this album before so I have the feeling I am in for a sonic treat…Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! I've already smoked one for you : )
Your blog is absolutely fukken essential and have a great day!
Happy Birthday, blog-amigo.
Happy Birthday!
By change I played some tracks of this album in my last birthday!
Hope you have a lot of fun this weekend!
See you
Nice work, Flabber…
Thanks so much!!
Happy birthday! (never too late)
Megaupload tells me "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable." whe i try to get the flac files
thanks guys for the birthday wishes. I actually don't smoke any longer, it's bad for my manic-depression (which has captured my soul), but I appreciate the sentiment and am glad Simon burned one in my honor. I drank some wine and watched a film about the death penalty in Texas. Party!!!
So Mr. Anonymous, I see that message too at the moment. Sometimes it happens and then goes back to normal later. I'll give it some time to fix itself before I reupload somewhere, so be patient.
Happy B-day Flabulous and thanks for the continued Jorge series. Essential, essential, essential is right!
Many thanks for this and Happy Birthday!
This was the first JB I stumbled upon and have to say I was captived by it immediately. I've spread this among other albums to some of my friends since then and this was the only common denominator in success. Powerful, and one of my favourites.
Thanks again,
Happy b-day, Flabber. I was waiting for Africa Brasil since I met your blog. Jorge's swan song, I agree. Have you ever posted "Bidu – Silêncio no Brooklin"? Tks for the JB albuns.
Loved this album for long time, Jorge Ben is unjustly obscure in UK. I have the samba & soul reissue, so will download the FLAC to check if any substantial difference in the mastering. Happy Birthday to you, may your lead become gold.
hey diogo, "Bidu" was the one disc not included in this boxset due to the fact that he recorded it for a label other than Philips, as mentioned somewhere else in this series on our blog here. I have the album in lossy formats but since I can't vouch for the quality of the rip, I refuse to post it here. If I track down an original you can be sure it will find its way here.,
Olá amigo, parabéns pelo excelente Blog. Gostaria de saber se você vai disponibilizar o CD duplo do Boxset (2009)?
Hoje é o aniversário de Jorge Ben Jor!
I can recommend this. I have the original vinyl ripped somewhere – it's got a buzz on it though – my turntable wasn't earthed! I might rip itagain some time.
The Bidu has been released on CD. As I recall the mastering is not great though.
Vlaeu pela postagem. Quando é que você pretende colocar o disco duplo d e raridades?
SWou um gringo so.
Mas gosto tanto a musica brasileira.
Paz ao todos.
wow, thanks so much for this one! Cheers from Holland.
This is sooooooo good!
One of my favourite albums of all time and the sound quality is so much better than my current version!
Thanks for a quality share dude!
Stu, Glasgow, Scotland
Thanks for the share and the quality you put into your posts. Looking forward to hearing another artist I am not familiar with.
-Frankie Mules
You are so true, it's certainly the greatest album of Jorge Ben. All tracks are awesome ! I didn't know about this one.
Thank you soooo much to let us discover all those masterpieces in such great sound quality !!
Grybon, France
great post!
Muchas gracias por compartir este increhible autor musical Brasilero…un fuerte abrazo, mucho exito!!
Flabb is the man ! Thank you so much for taking the time to share all this great music.
lovely album
muchas gracias, maravilloso album en gran audio
Thanks, man. U deserve a blowjob. Lol. Seriously though. Flac is the shit. Thx