Flabbergasted Freeform #19 – The “Lost Episode”

It’s been a year since the last Flabbergasted Freeform, and ten months since the last “Focus” podcast of old calypso and soca.  There are a bunch of reasons why I didn’t feel like doing them any more, but I won’t go into them here.  But since this month marks the TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the blog, I thought it called for some special commemorations.  This Freeform mix was done in December of last year and was only circulated privately.  It’s a good time, though, so I’m sharing it with the world now and hope the world enjoys it.  The first person to find the couple bars of “Them Changes” quoted in another song gets a free Secret Decoder Ring. That is, as soon as I get them from the magazine I ordered where I ordered a dozen of these powerful devices, which happened to be a back issue from 1958, so please be patient.

You can stream the podcast at Mixcloud or get it directly from the link below the widget.

[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/flabbergastedvibes/flabbergasted-freeform-19-the-lost-episode/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]

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  1. I always look forward to your Freeform Podcasts Doc. Thank you very much!

  2. YEAH, i waited for so long – thanks a lot!
    Cheers from Cologne

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