Junior Byles – Beat Down Babylon, The Upsetter Years (1997) 320kbs


Trojan Records, 1997 release

What a collection of beautiful reggae music this is!! What can I say about it, everything on here is classic. I think maybe its best to let the music speak for itself. But do you remember that comedian from the 90s, Prince Jeff I Foxworthy? Remember that routine he used to do, “You know you’re a righteous Rasta when….” Man, was that funny. He used to always dedicate a part of it to Junior Byles

Photobucket You know you’re a righteous Rasta when —
* you attempt suicide upon hearing about the death of Emperor Haile Salassie
* your reputation for nuttiness is surpassed only by the king himself, the original Upsetter, Lee Perry
* you recorded classic reggae milestones like There’s A Place Called Africa, Curly Locks, and Beat Down Babylon (complete with the sound of cracking whips)

Well, Prince Jeff would go on and on like that, but you get the point.

Junior Byles – Beat Down Babylon, The Upsetter Years (1997) 320kbs HERE

1. (Festival) Da Da
2. I’ve Got a Feeling
3. Don’t Know Why
4. Demonstration
5. Coming Home
6. Beat Down Babylon
7. A Place Called Africa 3
8. Joshua’s Desire
9. A Matter of Time
10. Poor Chubby
11. (A) Fun and Games
(B) Motion Dub
12. (A) Pretty Fe True
(B) Pretty Dumb
13. King of Babylon
14. Pharaoh Hiding
15. Hail to Power
16. Fever
17. Auntie Lulu
18. When Will Better Come
19. The Thanks We Get
20. Mumbling and Grumbling
21. Curley Locks
22. Dreader Locks
23. The Long Way

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  1. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

  2. skin head reggae all the way! This is the type of music that makes me want to bash my head against a wall just to soak up the maximum good vibes! Specially at the chorus of ‘I’ve got a feeling’ … ‘oooooaaah yeaaaah, ooooh yeaaah, ooooh yeeahh, ooooaah yeeeaaaah…’

  3. amazing, i love it, thanks

  4. this is my cousin haha i'm called jordanne rochelle byles

  5. Amazing, thanks so much for this. Really

  6. and the password please?????

  7. password:

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