1 Homenagem à velha guarda (Monarco)
2 Temporal
• Mulher, vai procurar teu dono (Rufino)
• Caco velho (Antônio Caitano)
• Serei teu ioiô (Paulo da Portela)
3 Sofres por querer liberdade (Mijinha – Monarco)
4 Estácio de Sá, glória do samba (Monarco)
5 Conselho de vadio (Alvarenga)
6 Feliz eu vivo no morro (Josias – Chatim – Pernambuco)
7 Silenciar a Mangueira (Cartola)
8 Você pensa que eu me apaixonei (Alcides Lopes – Monarco)
9 Chuva (Hortênsio Rocha)
10 Proposta amorosa (Monarco)
11 Falsa recompensa (Mijinha – Monarco)
12 Passado de glória (Monarco)
A very lovely record from one of the most prolific of the sambistas associated with the Portela samba school, A Velha Guarda de Portela (and also the terreiro / samba school of Oswaldo Cruz), his second album under his own name — as far as I know, the first was in 1976 and this was the next. It features a ton of people, as all great samba records do! It also contains a song in homage to the Mangueira samba school, a song composed in the 1930s by Cartola that had gone unrecorded until this album. The album has no weak songs, and the last one – with its firey rhythmic outro — will leave you wanting more.
Contains complete artwork at 600 dpi and downsampled
Thank you so much for this. What a great LP.
Just for comparison, please compare the quality of recording on Geraldo Filme [1980 Estúdio Eldorado]
thanks for the tip, I had not noticed that album on your blog!! There is no better testament to the under-appreciation of Paulista samba than Geraldo Filme — I have met too many Brazilians who don't know who he is, although they (hopefully) might recognize some of his compositions. It's great stuff, I can't wait to hear this Eldorado — till now I have only had one compilation.
This is fantastic. Seriously, really a great record. Thanks.
Fantastic record, thank you very much! But what happened with the link to the lossless version? I would like to have it in lossless….
hi Anon. Well this was shared in the era when I was only putting up FLAC sets when I thought people might particularly want them. (Now I just upload them as standard practice).
If you are interested, I will get them up in the next day or so
It would be great, thanks!
"Parabens" for your blog. I have just discovered it and it's amazing! There's a lot of great music and, as far as I know, it's the only brazilian blog (together with loronix) to post all the records in lossless. Thank you for that, too.
Thank you very much!
Hi, could you upload again the links for download, specially the FLAC one. They're not working.
I would be especially pleased if you include some albums of Antônio Candeia Filho in FLAC.
Thank you for do the promotion of the samba in the web.
It would be great if you could upload again the link for this LP in Flac, they aren't available any more.
And thank you for this great website !!
hey there Grybon, this album is special enough to merit a fresh rip with new scans, and a repost.. I'll put it on the list and try not to delay too long!
Flabbergast, poderia repostar por favor?