RCA Victor
BBL 1475
2004 Reissue
RCA Victor Essential Classics1 Cadê Tereza
(Jorge Ben)
2 O rapaz do violão
3 Enlouqueci
(Luiz Soberano, João Sale, Waldomiro Pereira)
4 No morro é assim
(Carlos Magno)
5 Bacubufo no caterefofo
(Bidi, Velha)
6 Despertar do lavrador
(Neoci, Dida)
7 Sei lá Mangueira
(Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, Paulinho da Viola)
8 Domingo da Rosa
(Neoci Dias)
9 Larga meu pé, reumatismo
(Ataulfo Alves)
10 Não ganha se não quiser
(Carlos Magno)
11 Canto chorado
(Billy Blanco)
12 Até meu final
(Bidi, Dida)From the back cover:”Considered the pioneers of the “Pagode” groups (samba with a romantic pop twist) that took our music scene by storm in the late 1980s, Os Originais do Samba were really “original” as their name says, with their joyful, pop samba tracks, with a lot of vocals and percussion. The band’s premier album released in 1969 made instant hits of upbeat samba tracks like Jorge Ben’s “Cadê Tereza”, and instilled a new kind of “swing” to traditional samba tracks. — Rodrigo Fauor”Well well… its a dubious legacy to say the least when you claim late 80s ‘pagode’ as a POSITIVE thing.. Nor would I credit Os Originais with adding some swing to samba as quite a few others were already working on that. Anyway, the review above is right about this being a more pop-oriented samba, but not in a negative way. They are a samba vocal group first and foremost, with a focus on entertaining us with well-executed songs and light humor — not unlike Demônios da Garoa, in that sense. One of their members was even involved in the famous Brazilian comedy TV show Os Trapalhões that ran for many years. They owed a lot of their early popularity to the explosive growth of television as a means of influencing popular tastes in culture consumption. They were a huge hit on the first samba festival televised on São Paulo’s channel 7 (1 Bienal do Samba), after which they became a highly-sought after commodity on TV. I will admit that I prefer their 1970s material to this debut album, as they were influenced by the 70s samba revival to lean towards a rootsier, less-orchestrated sound. But this album is great, and their version of Jorge Ben’s Cadê Tereza is pretty famous and important, so it`s worth having this album for that track alone!
Biography by Alvaro Neder
With a particular blend of traditional samba and humor, Os Originais do Samba became a commercial success, achieving three gold records for their hits “Tá Chegando Fevereiro” (Jorge Ben/João Melo), “Esperanças Perdidas” (Adeílton Alves/Délcio Carvalho), “O Lado Direito da Rua Direita” (Luís Carlos/Chiquinho), “É Preciso Cantar,” and “Tragédia No Fundo do Mar” (Zeré/Ibraim). They also had hits with “Cadê Teresa” (Jorge Ben), “A Dona do Primeiro Andar,” and “Nego Véio Quando Morre.” They performed shows with such artists as Elis Regina, Duke Ellington, Earl Grant, Paulinho da Viola, and Jorge Ben Jor, among others, and recorded albums with Chico Buarque, Toquinho/Vinícius de Moraes, Martinho da Vila, and Jair Rodrigues. Os Originais do Samba was the first samba group to perform and record at the Olympia in Paris, France, also performing at the Carnaval Friends of Brazil Club in San Francisco, CA. The group enjoyed continued success in Brazil and abroad in its second formation. The group started in 1960 as Os Sete Modernos do Samba. The next year they were invited by Carlos Machado to perform the show O Teu Cabelo Não Nega, about Lamartine Babo, and they changed their name to Os Originais do Samba. It was followed by a six-month stay in Mexico and performances in Puerto Rico and Brazil. After settling in São Paulo in 1968 they were invited to back Elis Regina in the I Bienal do Samba on the winning samba “Lapinha” (Baden Powell/Paulo César Pinheiro). Their first album came the next year, Os Originais do Samba (RCA Victor), followed by 18 others through 1997. In 1977 the group’s formation was: Bigode (leader/pandeiro/vocals), Zeca do Cavaco (cavaquinho/banjo), Sócrates (guitar), Rubinho Lima (percussion), Valtinho Tato (percussion), and Gibi (reco-reco, tamborim).
From Cliquemusic
Grupo formado na década de 60 no Rio de Janeiro por ritmistas de escolas de samba, começou a se apresentar em teatros e show, incluindo o palco do Copacabana Palace, onde realizou o espetáculo “O Teu Cabelo Não Nega”. Fixaram-se em São Paulo depois de excursionar pelo México, e em 1968 acompanharam Elis Regina na música vencedora da I Bienal do Samba, “Lapinha”, de Baden Powell e P.C. Pinheiro. No ano seguinte gravaram a música “Cadê Teresa”, de Jorge Ben, que fez grande sucesso. Participaram de festivais e ganharam discos de ouro pela vendas de suas gravações, principalmente nos anos 70, combinando o canto uníssono, a roupa padronizada e boa dose de humor. Um dos integrantes do grupo, Mussum, sairia para formar Os Trapalhões ao lado de Renato Aragão e Dedé Santana. Tocaram com grandes nomes da música brasileira – como Chico Buarque, Jair Rodrigues, Vinicius de Moraes – e mundial – Earl Grant. Excursionaram pela Europa e Estados Unidos, e foram o primeiro conjunto de samba a se apresentar no Olympia de Paris. Alguns de seus maiores sucessos são “Tá Chegando Fevereiro” (Jorge Ben/ João Melo), “O Lado Direito da Rua Direita” (Luiz Carlos/ Chiquinho), “A Dona do Primeiro Andar”, “O Aniversário do Tarzan”, “Esperanças Perdidas” (Adeilton Alves/ Délcio Carvalho), “E Lá se Vão Meus Anéis” (Eduardo Gudin/ P.C. Pinheiro), “Tragédia no Fundo do Mar (Assassinato do Camarão)” (Zeré/ Ibrahim), “Se Papai Gira” (Jorge Ben), “Nego Véio Quando Morre”. Em 1997 gravaram um CD comemorativo pelos 30 anos de carreira, e atualmente continuam se apresentando no Brasil. Fizeram parte do grupo: Mussum, Rubão, Bigode, Bide, Chiquinho, Lelei, Zeca do Cavaquinho, Sócrates, Rubinho Lima, Valtinho Tato e Gibi.
password: vibes
I agree about this not being their best LP, but they did drop 2 albums in the same year which says something about their creativity. I think they start to hit their stride nicely on "Samba é de lei" from 1970.
maravilha … maravilha …
musicas de garbo e elegancia
DJ Roberto Andrade "Kiko"
Olá! Alguém poderia informar o link desse disco? Eu possuo o vol. 2… dificil achar esse…