Bezerra da Silva – O Samba Malandro de Bezerra da Silva (2005)


O Samba Malando de Bezerra da Silva
4-CD Boxset
Released 2005 Sony-BMG/RCA (82876691992)

Disc 1 – Eu Sou Favela

1 Eu Sou Favela See All 5
2 Se Nao Fosse a Ajuda da Rapaziada
3 Saudacao As Favelas
4 Produto Do Morro
5 Candidato Cao Cao
6 Partideiro Sem No Na Garganta
7 E Esse ai que E O Homem
8 Quando O Morcego Doar Sangue
9 Vitimas da Sociedade
10 Pena de Morte
11 Vida de Operario
12 Assombracao de Barraco
13 Violencia Gera Violencia
14 Compositores de Verdade

Disc 2 – Malando É Malandro, Mané É Mané

1 Malandro Rife
2 Defunto Caguete
3 Bicho Feroz
4 Os Federais Estao Te Filmando
5 E O Bicho E O Bicho
6 Grampeado Com Muita Moral
7 No Hora da Dura
8 Defunto Grampeado
9 As 40 Dps
10 Fofoqueiro E a Imagem Do Cao
11 Meu Bom Juiz
12 Eu Nao Sou Santo
13 Preconceito de Cor
14 Ela Cagueta Com O Dedao Do Pe

Disc 3 – Cocada Preta e Branca no Terreiro

1 Malandragem Da Um Tempo
2 Sao Murungar
3 Semente
4 Pai Veio 171
5 Nunca VI Ninguem Dar Dois Em Nada
6 O Preto E O Branco
7 Nariz de Bronze
8 Vovo Tira-Tira
9 Garrafada Do Norte
10 Ze Fofinho de Ogum
11 Arruda de Guine
12 Cabeca Pra Vovo
13 Overdose de Cocada
14 Se Leonardo Da Vinte

Disc 4 – Cornos, Piranhas, Sogras, Pastores e OUtros Manés
1 Sequestraram Minha Sogra
2 Na Aba
3 Viuva de Seis
4 Necessidade
5 Quem USA Antena E Televisao
6 Minha Sogra Parece Sapatao
7 Vizinha Faladeira
8 Pode Acreditar Em Mim
9 Vou Lhe Dar Uma Colher
10 Sai Encosto
11 Pastor Trambiqueiro
12 Foi O Dr. Delegado Que Disse
13 Lugar Macabro
14 Os Tres Pagodeiros Do Rio


I have a crapload of Bezerra da Silva on vinyl, including his albums with Os Partideiros 10, and there is no question his stuff sounds better on wax. But since some people see fit to bitch and whine about the sound of the vinyl rips here, I am not really inspired to do many more of them. Which is a shame, because I have hours and hours of vinyl transfers waiting to be edited. Too bad. Apparently people don’t realize that when they only show up to leave comments to complain about something, that this demotivates bloggers from doing what they do. I suggest to those people that they start their own blogs and see how all that works. Ah, but alas, this would presume you have something interesting to contribute and aren’t just a humanoid leech, a hungry mouth who is never satisfied. The sense of entitlement of people on the internet these days… it’s enough to make a person just say fuck it, why bother? So, this will be my last post for a while. I’m not going to write much either, not as much as this music deserves. Hardly anyone actually reads the write-ups anyway and now a few cyber-pricks have managed to sap my enthusiasm for this shindig. And don’t even think this is only about the comments that get published — The dozens every week that are just endless repetitive requests for favors from people I’ve never heard from before, or requests for re-ups from people who can’t be bothered to even say ‘hey thanks for the post.’ Those people get a big Fuck You. I don’t publish your “comments” because there is no point. And resending them every week isn’t going to get them published. They will be ignored, indefinitely. Currently, 98 unpublished comments on this blog. See, I don’t even have time to DELETE the stuff these people write to me.

Carnival is almost here. I had a bunch of posts I had planned in commemoration of carnival. Too bad for you I guess. I’ll be listening to my records at home or with friends.

For the cool people who regularly stop by the blog and have something interesting to say — thanks, you folks make a huge difference, more than you probably realize.

Bezerra da Silva, while he began his recording career singing coco in the style of Jackson do Pandeiro until he gained more recognition as a sambista with Os Partideiros 10, he really didn’t hit the big time until he was nearly 50 years when he began releasing his samba albums for RCA-Victor and incorporated the archtype of the “malandro” into his stage persona. The figure of the malandro is an ubiquitous part of Brazilian folklore and culture – someone who survives on his street-smarts and wits while managing to avoid hard work as much as possible; a slick hustler anti-hero and trickster-figure; a figure that is both reviled and admired by people who play by society’s rules. Bezerra took on this identity like no other sambista, and was able to engage with the gritty realities of urban life with a characteristic humor and biting dark humor. He could level astute critiques about societal ills like violence in the slums, corrupt police officers and judges, and also weave comical yarns about smoking pot or any number of songs dealing with mother-in-law humor.. (One of my favorite tunes here is ‘Minha sogra parece sapatão’)

The boxset has a wonderful graphic design and layout and a nice informative and insightful essay from music critic Rodrigo Faour. The four discs are arranged thematically, grouped based on lyrical content, rather than chronologically, making this a fun listen even for people who own his individual albums.

I wish I had time to translate the wonderful essay in the booklet from Rodrigo Faour. All in all this is a wonderful little package, and priced very economically. You should go out and buy it, and then track down all the individual releases on vinyl.

flac button

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  1. password:

    • Many Thanks again F, Just listened to the 4th. CD and its sunny again,what a wonderful sound……..I too have noticed the change in peoples attitudes on various Blogs…looking for higher bit rates,Re-Posts,more of the same etc. and all done with that arrogant, could'nt care,NOW attitude !!
      Coming as I am from the 70's when we traded cassette tapes with our favourite music crammed into 90 Mins,never minding the sound quality,just loving the music….thats what you get here,great music,with a bit of history to top it all off !!
      I'm eternally grateful,thats all !1

  2. Yes those people suck … more so as time goes by, the sense of leecher entitlement seems to increase …. but I hope you do know that all of your work (including your great writeups) is appreciated by some of us. Enjoy Carnival !

  3. Thanks Flabber for all the good music. Did you get a chance to compare the track I sent you from the Water release with the universal version?

  4. I was gonna say something very much like what Simon666 said just before, but probably in a long-winded and tedious sort of way. At the risk of repeating what I've said elsewhere, I think your write-ups and the (posted) comments they elicit are absolutely ace and would make for an must-follow blog even if no music at all were posted here. Can't blame you at all for taking some time away from this here avocation considering the gross ingratitude you describe. I am hereby requesting, however, more photos of Chico Buarque looking baked. Can't get enough.

  5. Longtime reader here. I've never commented before, but I've always enjoyed reading your posts and I'm hugely grateful for the music I've discovered through this blog (still grooving on that recent Marcos Valle series!). As a person who provides people with free entertainment on the web, I know how disheartening it can be to deal with whiny, entitled commenters. I hope you'll feel up to your normal tricks soon.

  6. you are a winner. thanks for all the great posts

  7. I like your articles and the music you've posted has enriched my life, particularly Arnaldo, Tim Maia, and Jorge Ben among others. I'm an American and a newlywed – my wife is Brazilian. I've learned about her culture from your site and the songs have helped my Portuguese too. Thanks ds

  8. don't let 98 unpublished assholes get you down. We need your impeccable taste more than ever. Thanks again..

  9. don't let 98 unpublished assholes get you down. We need your impeccable taste now more than ever. Thanks again..

  10. The music and writing is always appreciated here.

  11. Caralho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Tu é o CARA!!!!!! Vai se fuder!!!!!
    To baxando agora mesmo!
    Cassete de agulha. Valeu mais uma vez irmão

  12. Fiquei tao chapado no seu post que nem li ele hahaha. Mas agora com calma eu ja passei um pano.
    Então irmão,eu concordo com você sobre estar aborrecido com esta cena aí dos sanguessugas;mas neste mundo tá cheio de otário que só reclama. A qualidade do vinyl é superior sim,nao esquente com estes leigos. Agora sobre o Bezerra,era um cara excepcional. Era muito irônico e sarcástico. Eu tenho 7 cds dele. Ja achei quase todos em vinil pra vender,mas me falta dinheiro. Este ano acho que vou comprar 1 por 1 devagarzinho,daí não pesa no bolso hahaha. Voltando ao blog,é triste saber que voce perdeu a inspiração. Voce faz a felicidade minha e de muitos outros caras como eu que não tem como comprar discos raros. As vezes por incrivel que pareça,um gringo tem mais facilidade de achar tal album que é nosso,do que nós aqui no Brasil. Mas aí,nao pare com o blog. Eu e um camarada ja quase desistimos do nosso blog (187umkillah.blogspot) e até agora ele ta de pé(uns 4 anos). Eu ainda quero ver voce postar o primeiro do Zeca,um classico!!hahaha ( . Eu tambem tocava um outro blog sobre rap,e os poucos comentarios eram reclamando ou pedindo cd gospel. Fazer o que. Valeu mais uma vez e vamo que vamo que o som não pode parar ,como ja dizia Thaíde

  13. WTF!! I don't always dl everything you post here but a vinyl rip would always be my preference. We don't need to bother explaining why to those to stupid to understand. Do we?

  14. Flabberman,

    I do deeply dig your blog. Love, too, the vinyl transfers, since there's nothing like that rich, warm, analog sound. Our tastes, especially in Brazilian music, coincide to a great degree, especially Marcos Valle, Jorge Ben and Paulinho da Viola. Your blog is the first thing I check every morning.

    However, I've been lazy about writing to thank you for all the great music you've posted (Harlem River Drive being perhaps my all-time favorite), and I'm sure there are many other ingrates like me who haven't written out of sheer laziness. Culpa minha, culpa nossa. You've turned me on to a lot of super-groovy stuff, and I can't thank you enough. Can't wait to baixar the Bezerra da Silva.

    Look me up if you're ever in Diamantina, M.G., and you're more than welcome to flop at my place.

    David Leary, a Texan in Brasil

  15. Don't let those assholes get you down. You have made my life better with some fantastic albums i've never heard of before. Thanks!
    Idar –

  16. Your write-ups are astonishingly enjoyable & important. I may not always fall in love with the music, but your words ALWAYS lead me explore the artist(s) you care about so passionately. Have a great vacation, but please do return 🙂

  17. I too appreciate the obvious care you take with your vinyl rips. Having this music available at all is a miracle of sorts. The fact that you provide the music *and* expert and helpful commentary make this one of the best music blogs in the history of the Internet.

  18. Maurice Faustrillo

    I am eternally grateful to you for introducing me to Marcos Valle. The Brazilian Serge Gainsbourg? A crude analogy, intended as a compliment.(I guess now would be a bad time to ask for re-ups of all the uh 'mega' files. Right now!)

  19. man, i gotta handle to ya, i frequently visit your blog, it's beyond perfect, but now, even if the whole U.S. law shenanigans, you give hope to this god forsaken egotrip that internet has become. oh, byt the way, i'm brazilian and very happy, proud of everything you've posted here, and i think this bezerra box is the ultimate happiness that i can have, 'cause i was gonna buy it, i bought "série focus" compilation and i have some records on vinyl, but together with luiz gonzaga's boxes (the recently one and the old one, doesn't matter) and the marcos valle box, it was my goal to find it in FLAC. and my god, you did it. thank you, very much.

  20. man, i gotta handle to ya, i frequently visit your blog, it's beyond perfect, but now, even if the whole U.S. law shenanigans, you give hope to this god forsaken egotrip that internet has become. oh, byt the way, i'm brazilian and very happy, proud of everything you've posted here, and i think this bezerra box is the ultimate happiness that i can have, 'cause i was gonna buy it, i bought "série focus" compilation and i have some records on vinyl, but together with luiz gonzaga's boxes (the recently one and the old one, doesn't matter) and the marcos valle box, it was my goal to find it in FLAC. and my god, you did it. thank you, very much.

  21. man, i gotta handle to ya, i frequently visit your blog, it's beyond perfect, congratulations, but now, even if the whole U.S. law shenanigans, you still give hope to this god forsaken egotrip that internet has become. by the way, i'm brazilian and very happy, proud of everything you've posted here, and still post, and for me this bezerra box is the peak of good taste. i bought his "série focus" compilation and was so disappointed that only found this box in VBR quality on internet and, together with luiz gonzaga's boxes (the recently one and the old one, doesn't matter) and the marcos valle box, it was my goal to find it in FLAC. and my god, you did it, as well as with ben and valle and many others! thank you, very much. i rarely use media share websites but i'm soulseek user, i'm 99% sure that you have all that i have in there, but still it's the least i can do to show my appreciation with your blog. there's stuff from som livre masters, rge classics, rca classics, dois momentos, bis jovem guarda, raízes do samba, 2 in 1, some boxes, anyway, if you're interested let me know, okay? congrats man, keep on the good work, great essays, love for music.

  22. Lord Flabber of Vibes

    Ignore these people. Unfortunately evolution has yet to deal with the problem of human idiocy. I think many of us will be gutted not to hear any more of your fantastic vinyl rips, but I guess you must do what's best for your peace of mind.

    Best of luck.

    Anonymous One.

  23. hey, I found myself coming here quite often in the past years… always loved what you wrote when I took time to read it and the posts are always interesting! feel kinda bad for not leaving comments as much as I downloaded your quality rips.. thanks a lot for all the work and the fantastic music you shared! dealing with lots of people with zero recognition for what you do must kick the spirit out… so much people think they're entitled to something that wasn't even in their life minutes ago.. anyway the least I can do is right a few word here and say that I hold you and a lot of other music blogger in high regard, for bringing so much good stuff out for all of us who don't have access to wonderful music and want to discover as much as possible 🙂 thanks for educating us!

    keep well!

  24. hey, I found myself coming here quite often in the past years… always loved what you wrote when I took time to read it and the posts are always interesting! feel kinda bad for not leaving comments as much as I downloaded your quality rips.. thanks a lot for all the work and the fantastic music you shared! dealing with lots of people with zero recognition for what you do must kick the spirit out… so much people think they're entitled to something that wasn't even in their life minutes ago.. anyway the least I can do is right a few word here and say that I hold you and a lot of other music blogger in high regard, for bringing so much good stuff out for all of us who don't have access to wonderful music and want to discover as much as possible 🙂 thanks for educating us!

    keep well!

  25. I love your vinylrips, please go on. And your writings too.

  26. Maurice Faustrillo

    Now I've heard this, my debt has doubled. What a singer!

  27. Hi. I have been checking out your blog for some time now. I can't get enough. Loved all the write-ups and read everything even when not interested in downloading the LP. I am a long time fan of brazilian music and you have turned me on to some things I never would have found otherwise. God bless you. You are appreciated. Oftentimes I stop by just to re-read your write ups. Don't get discouraged. You have enhanced the quality of my life(and many others too, I am sure). I have a huge CD collection (lost the vinyl in a flooded basement) and would glady share any/all with you. Thanks for all you do.

  28. Amazing blog, amazing write-ups…muito obrigado..

  29. A big thank you Flab. Haven't been listening to alot of Brazilian music lately, but always take the time to read your posts. Stay Up, you are appreciated for your labor of love.

  30. Big fan of FV here. Many thanks for all your beautiful posts!
    Thumbs up for vinyl rips, they are the best.
    Much love and appreciation.

  31. Happy carnival and thank you for sharing Flabbergasted.

  32. I found this blog in December last year. Totally stunned by the artist selection and the music itself. I could start naming musicians/albums I never heard before and found only because of this blog but I guess it would be pointless as there is so much of it!

    I am also from the generation that knows how hard it was to get music. Until 1989 there was no way of buying or trading Western music in my country without taking a risk of being imprisoned or at least having serious troubles with the police. I remember going with my dad to the electronic store 2-3 times before he actually bought our first casette recorder. It was the cheapest model in the market and he must have paid at least half of his monthly sallary for it! I would then spend hours with my finger on the "pause" button waiting for my favorite song to be played on a radio station so I could record it! My collection was growing slowly but I would know every single song by heart.

    25 years later I have the opposite problem. There is so much music available and so little time. I can get anything I want without even paying for it! How many times had I downloaded a complete discography of my favorite artist and then listened maybe couple of songs from it.. sad

    And then there is a blog full of great music I would`ve probably never come across. And there is somoene behind it. Someone who passionately selects and writes about this music, makes it available for others, suggests more blogs with similar taste.. Someone that makes you stop and realize that art is not a shorcut from "article".

    Thank you.

  33. i'm writing you as a radio host, dj and music maniac from germany, and your blog is one of the very few bookmarks in my browser program, i check your blog almost daily, and i always appreciated your eclecticism and your taste and the quality of your posts is remarkable, that goes for the audio files as well as for the texts. since i am working my ass off for unpaid but heartfelt and research heavy radio shows on www byte fm and radio blau for years i know how rare and precious and most of all encouraging good feedback from listeners/readers is, and therefore can imagine how annoying it must be dealing with all those cyber-morons keep on nagging about stuff they're not into by their hearts but only by their greedy egos …
    please keep up the good work, it is really appreciated … best regards klaus

  34. Hey man, I love your stuff, especially the vinyl rips! Don't let them get you down. Vocal minority etc. Turned so many people on to

    I wonder if there's like a contact for you or something to get in touch about general subjects, I wonder if you have any Erasmo Carlos in the docket, especially from 67-72, the stuff on youtube is terrible quality! Peace from Boston.

  35. I read Your write up for this one and felt I should comment that I really appreciate both the vinyl rips and the write ups .I like that you chose great music (especially the Brazilian music for my preference) and that you write interesting and varied notes about the music or artist or whatever.

    I am sure that a great many people really enjoy and appreciate what you do here.The gonzaguinha 1974 lp rip is something i go back to again and again.


  36. well well. More positive and uplifting comments here than I can shake a stick at. And some incredible stories too. Thanks, guys and gals, especially those of you who have shared some personal stories. Hell, there are so many nice comments it makes me feel like I was fishing for compliments or something.. Maybe I was. But I want to stress that I don't mean to give anyone shit for *NOT* commenting. Because I know how it is – I myself frequent grab things from blogs with the intention of going back to comment after I've listening to the material, and then never get around to it. So, I know there are lots of people who for one reason or another don't leave comments even though they might find the blog enjoyable. My beef is really with the complainers and the people who only show up to report broken links and ask for more more more.

    Lots of things I'd like to say and respond to in kind, but this recent comment about Erasmo Carlos is just too much of a coincidence to pass up. Just two days ago I was standing in a record store with an Erasmo boxset covering almost exactly the period you mention, when there was a black in the store and the place went to emergency generator power. I had somewhere to be and couldn't wait around for the power to come back, and I considered it a divine intervention to keep me from spending money I don't really have at the moment. It wasn't until hours later that I realized I could have walked out of the store with that boxset and nobody would have been any the wiser. Funny that this didn't occur to me.. I guess perhaps I am an honest guy who doesn't think its cool to steal music or something 😮 Or, probably closer to the truth, it wouldn't occur to me to rip off a retail store that I've always considered to be a cool resource – the Livraria Cultura bookstore/recordstore/cafe.. Not exactly an independent retailer but there are only about ten of them in a half-dozen cities or so.

    Thanks for the inspiration not to totally pack it in. I'm sure a break is all that's needed.

  37. Your write ups are genius, bro. Thanks for reminding us to vocalize our pleasure and gratitude (me: guilty as charged for being too lazy to post comments). I've learned tons from you. I hope you get a recharge on your inspiration; this is fantastic work. And, of course, the music is sublime….

  38. hey mister, don't let the bastards grind you down, keep on keepin' on and all that jazz… this is a great blog. 'curriculum' by joyce was one of my most favourite downloads ever and i thank you (in my head) every time i listen to it. so… err… like… thanks. chin up, music down…

  39. very often I go to your blog,
    I download, burn on a cd, and 1 or 2 week later I buy the vinyl
    your are a teacher for me.
    thanks for that.

  40. Let me add my voice as one of those people who doesn't say thank you as often as he should. So, thank you. And yes, some of us do read the write-ups – always an original perspective and an obvious deep love and understanding of the subject matter. The sheer depth of Brazilian music is something I've only got a handle on quite recently, and blogs such as yours are constantly and consistently enlightening. It goes without saying that the music is always of a high standard. Thanks again.

  41. Hello Flabbergasted,
    I just became a member of your great blog. I also look towards new members so check out my blog:

    Best regards,

  42. Boy, have things been a drag since Feb. 3, a date which, if you don't return to the blogosphere, will surely live in infamy.

  43. MORE VINYL! rebalance them bitches man. MORE ViNYL!
    thanks for hours over hours of excellent vibes. Satwa now.

  44. MORE VINYL! rebalance them bitches man. MORE ViNYL!
    thanks for hours over hours of excellent vibes. Satwa now.

  45. Hey flab, it's now my custom to leave comments that have little relation to the post at hand. So here goes —

    What's the deal with your songwriting? Have you recorded anything? Are you a musician? Do you advertise your stuff here at all? I've seen you reference it in passing (actually maybe I'm thinking of your folk blog) but I can't find any obvious links to your stuff (maybe this is because I'm a relatively recent reader). As an amateur songwriter with similar taste in music and a yen to move to Brazil I'm really interested in hearing something of yours.

    And I just realized my earlier comment trailed off into nothingness, so: I've turned a lot of people on to Tim Maia and now Hyldon from this blog. THANKS!

  46. Hi Euphus. I haven't written a song or even hardly touched an instrument for about ten years. And that's about all there is to say about it.

    I had a post here once of my music, but it's been deleted. I was never any good at 'advertising' my own work and I don't think the world is any worse off with one less mediocre songwriter trying to sell himself to anyone who'll listen.

    I have a folk blog? oh that's right, I almost forgot…

  47. Favorites are "A Semente", "Malandragem da um Tempo", and "Malandro Rife". Is this all re-recorded material?

  48. no no no, these are all culled from the original records

  49. Wow, I ask because the sound is very nice, just imagine if the Cartola records were recorded this well?!

  50. agreed, Mr. Rogers. Though the last couple Cartola albums produced by Sergio Cabral for RCA Records sound very nice. The problem is the arrangements can be overbearing. What I think is everyone's pipe dream would be remixed or at least properly remastered versions of those first two album on Marcus Perreira but I'm fairly sure there are no master tapes for anything on that label.

  51. Ya that would be incredible, but on the bright side his compositions are so good that the music shines through even in that mediocre quality, so in a way it is sufficient!

    PS: After scouring through the blog for links that are still active, I was able to download the Nelson Cavaquinho 1973 vinyl rip, and i gotta say it sounds pretty amazing.

  52. I agree, although I haven't heard his first album. His 1976 album so far is my favorite, and that cover on "Verde que te quero rosa" is classic!

    PS – After scouring the blog for links that weren't dead I was able to download the Nelson Cavaquinho vinyl rip and i must say it sounds pretty awesome! Thanks!

  53. um… There is no vinyl rip from Nelson here. The two albums posted are sourced from CDs… I have more treats from him to share too (at least one of them on actual vinyl).

  54. lol my bad I meant the Baden Powell – E de lei vinyl rip

  55. lol my bad I meant the Baden Powell – E de lei rip

  56. Are you still with us? Hurry back. OK?

  57. ^^This. I've been thinking Flabber and I think it would be cool if while your gone some of the readers can share there music (provided they meet a certain criteria and quality standard similar to something you yourself would post here). We can send you the links and write up, and you can post it. I have Gil e Jorge on vinyl that i can rip and share :), just an idea.

  58. ^^^ Hey JT, I've been motivated to think about maybe posting again possibly sometime soon.. For the time being I've been going through trying to fix some of the many dead links here.

    Regarding having other people post here, I appreciate the sentiment but I'll pass. When this blog started it was collaborative with two other people, one who never posted and the other was my friend Kung who stole my wife from me. Damn you Kung. So that's the last time I ever do that.

  59. when i woke up on sunday morning and realized it was april 1 i was simultaneously relieved that you're still around and embarrassed about the dramatic email i sent you the night before. good one..

    It's definitely inspiring me to comb through your old posts and pick up some good stuff I missed, so thanks in advance for everything i'm about to download.

    This blog and a select few others really have opened a new world to me so thanks again and hope to see you back posting soon.

  60. After 3 tries to download this very large file I failed to get this goodie of yours. Oh well?

  61. Hi JT. I can guarantee the link works, but I can also guarantee that rapidshare is a pain in the ass for large files and I've known other people to have time-outs or incompletes for stuff I've sent them personally. The better thing would have been to split it up into two parts, or at least give that option. I'll see what I can do later today, cheers.

  62. JT, the FLAC fileset has now been split into three part. I assumed that was the one you were having a problem with? It was the 320 just let me know, that can be arranged too

  63. Estou baixando o Noriel Vilela.Por coincidencia outro dia estava com o verso “meu fio du jeito que sunce tá só o home que pode te ajudá´´ na cabeça e não conseguia lembrar o nome do artista. Não sei porque estava com José Americo na cabeça,acho que porque ele tinha uma musica no estilo…Excessos no passado transformaram minha memória numa peneira.
    Obrigado pela lembrança,este blog é imperdível para os amantes da boa música

  64. Por favor, repostar os links. Obrigado.

  65. Os links são ativos novamente

  66. Thanks for all your hard work, and thanks for managing all these FLAC uploads! Having lots of big files like that is not easy to manage. I think your vinyl rips sound great i don't know what people are complaining about. Thanks for this big Silva release!!

  67. Just wanted you to know I’ve spent the last hour-plus absolutely agog at the work you have done here and am in complete awe of your collection and knowledge (I thought *I* had an enviable collection!). I have found some gems here that I never would have expected and wish I’d known about you earlier! So in my collecting and subscribing frenzy I’m not sure whether your tip jar or NGO donation is preferred…but would love to contribute at least something for all you’ve done. Very glad you kept this blog up – what a reference!! Parabéns pelo esforço!

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