Moreira da Silva – Morengueira (1964) / Conversa de Botequim (1966)

Moreira da Silva
Morengueira & Conversa de Botequim
2003 EMI 583712-2

1964 Odeon

1 O rei do gatilho
2 O último dos mohicanos
3 Os intocáveis
4 Morengueira contra 007
5 O conto do pintor
6 Malandro em sinuca
7 Cinderela em negativo
8 Cachorro de madame
9 Margarido
10 A volta de Chang-Lang
11 Antigamente
12 Casino de malandro

1966 Odeon

13 Conversa de botequim
(Noel Rosa)
14 Avisa a Maria que amanhã tem baile
(Haroldo Lobo, Milton Oliveira)
15 Minha palhoça
(J. Cascata)
16 Vou me casar no Uruguai
(Gadé, Walfrido Silva)
17 Homenagem
(Moreira da Silva)
18 O analfabeto
(Ernesto Pires, S. Ferreira)
19 Risoleta
(Raul Marques, Moacir Bernardino)
20 1296 mulheres
(Zé Trindade, Moreira da Silva)
21 Pistom de gafieira
(Billy Blanco)
22 Pedra que rolou
(Pedro Caetano)
23 Céu azul
(César Cruz, Moreira da Silva)
24 Faustina


Moreira da Silva pretty much invented a style called samba de breque  where he would stop in between verses and offer some humorous commentary or dialogue.  His music is filled with silliness, often playing with his own character Kid Morengueira or playing up the ‘malandro’ character, but they are also just damn good samba songs with great playing and great arrangements.  The records presented on this 2-on-1 disc came 30 years into his career, having cut his teeth singing on the radio, in casinos, and on 78s.  The first one here has some of his biggest hits, most of which I believe to have been rerecorded for this particular LP   O Rei de Gatilho (one of his first successes), A Última dos Mohicanos, Moringueira Contra 007 are all fantastic.  Os Intocáveis (The Untouchables) has some fun with Al Capone and his gang.  In fact there is more than a little US cinematic flair and fixation on “bangue bangue” and “tiro tiro”, gunfights and shoot-em-ups, on these tracks set in the Western Frontier (Last of the Mohicans) or in Prohibition-era Chicago.  The second record is very nice too, with some of the arrangements taking on the jazz-samba sound popular at the time.  Vou me casar em Uruguai is awesome, and I challenge any of you to double-check Morreira’s math on 1,296 Mulheres. The record also features songs by Noel Rosa (the title track) and Billy Blanco (Piston de Gafieira).  It’s a shame that his label Odeon did not identify supporting musicians, as there are some very fine soloists on these tracks.


password: vibes

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